
CORGI Fenestration Registered Companies
Companies register with CORGI Fenestration to be recognised for their professionalism and expertise. CORGI Fenestration installers and Locksmiths are required to hold an appropriate accredited qualification for the work they carry out. The companies are assessed on a regular basis to ensure that they are competent and capable of meeting the relevant technical and safety standards, codes of practice and rules of the Schemes.

The City & Guilds Group is a global leader in skills development. Our purpose is to enable people and organisations to develop their skills for personal and economic growth. What we do is about more than skills, or qualifications, or jobs. Backed by a Royal Charter, we have more than 135 years of experience in making sure that people can contribute to successful businesses and thriving economies. Made up of City & Guilds, ILM and City & Guilds Kineo, we work with education providers, businesses and governments in over 80 countries, to provide work-relevant education and training in 26 industries.

At NCFE, every one of us is in learning to improve people’s lives. We were born in 1848 from the belief that no learner should be left behind, and with the core purpose to promote and advance learning – and this same cause continues to drive us today.  

We’re the educational charity and leader in vocational and technical learning dedicated to powering a smarter education eco-system. Bringing together over 175 years of education experience and real insight into how people learn, we understand society’s most pressing learning needs and galvanise the education sector around the opportunities.  

Make security your top priority.

Don't leave it until it's too late.

Speak to us today to discuss how we can provide all your security needs.

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